Biro Perencanaan - Video RENSTRA

Portraying the Potential of a Digitally Transformed Nation

The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo) has a set of programs aimed at enhancing the field of communication and informatics in Indonesia. They strive to disseminate the Strategic Plan 2020-2024 to the general public and strategic partners. Through these publication materials, the public is expected to be aware of the strategic objectives of Kemenkominfo and to support its successful implementation.

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Project overview

We offer the creation of a video relevant to the target audience, namely the general public. The video is expected to serve as an opener or trigger for the public to further understand the outline of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology’s Strategic Plan by reading the Strategic Plan document for 2020-2024.

The Process of Making Engaging Public Service Videos

“Indonesia Terkoneksi, Semakin Digital Semakin Maju” is the main concept behind the creation of an animated video highlighting the Ad Family, a family whose members utilize the internet for positive purposes. The selection of this family serves as a specific approach for the public to relate to the situation.

To convey that the internet can lead us to a sophisticated and progressive future, we chose simple snapshots that serve as tangible evidence of internet usage in Indonesia. Through these simple stories with implicit messages conveyed, the public can grasp that the internet infrastructure they are currently enjoying is continuously being upgraded to be even more advanced.

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